I've been running various YouTube channels for some time now, mainly focusing on gaming. This developed during the time when I was ill for a very long time. I started this project to avoid wasting all my time doing nothing. During this time, I learned how to edit videos and edit images and sound, and I still do it today when time allows.

My first Let's Plays came from live recordings on Twitch. I started in September 2019 and these recordings were always several hours long. About a year later, I started cutting the episodes to a maximum of 30 minutes. However, these have only ever been stream recordings. My first real YouTube-exclusive Let's Play started at the end of 2021. Since then I have started to split my channel. I am now starting to record some of the older "live Let's Plays" as regular Let's Plays. Live recordings from Twitch are uploaded to the corresponding VOD channel.

Some videos didn't quite fit into the scheme, so I created another channel: Fundgrube. Unfortunately, I'm a little less active here due to a lack of time. This channel is supposed to contain reviews of games, which I share with you from my personal perspective. When I started this channel, I also decided to change the name of my YouTube channel to "White Wolfy's Game".

Below you can see a list of my video projects.

In addition to the current Let's Play, I have also completed other projects. You can find them all here: White Wolfys Game Let's Play Channel

I've also created a YouTube channel for my Twitch streams in case you've missed them. There's not really much more to tell here. The "Twitch" section is more suitable for that. To the videos: White Wolfys Game VOD Channel

I created this channel with the idea of also producing videos that provide content other than Let's Plays. In fact, the idea was to publish live react videos from Twitch, as well as reviews and unboxings. So far, however, only reviews have found their way here. I divide these into retro reviews and reviews of more recent gaming titles. In the end, it's all about games again, but explained in more detail, in which I give my opinion. Unfortunately, videos on this channel are not produced as often as I would like. The main reason for this is primarily the lack of time due to work, but also that I can't talk about as many games. Another reason is that I'm sick a lot. Migraines, depression and my rather poor immune system do the rest. Nevertheless, I keep this channel alive. Maybe the time will come when I can be more active. About the channel and the videos: White Wolfys Game Fundgrube.


You can find an overview of all my Let's Play projects Here