Developers 1
Client School project
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Other software/ tools: keine

A tool that can be used to encrypt texts and other data. There are various encryption methods; the Caesar principle is used here.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 3.5
  • Database: none
  • GUI: Windows Forms
  • Interface design divided into original text to encrypted text and vice versa
  • Encryption class created with the methods encrypt and decrypt
  • Encryption procedure with a calculation using two supplied numbers (VID)

Developers 1
Client private
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Other software/ tools: keine

An existing media player is to be expanded with additional functions:

  • DVD playback
  • Playlist management
  • Implementation of further file formats for audio and video files


Tasks/ Activity:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 4.0
  • Database: none
  • GUI: Windows Forms
    • Menu bar "File" extended by option Start DVD ' Alternative window for playback, because main playback window does not work
    • Split screen to display and manage playlist
    • Trackbar added for volume control
  • Random playback of the playlist
  • Audio and video files can be added and played at any time
  • Supported file formats: wma and avi, new formats: mp3 and mp4

Developers 1
Client Training company
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Other software/ tools: Oracle SQL-Developer

Creation of a new script manager tool for frequently used SQL commands. An older VB6 program is to be replaced, which is no longer sustainable in terms of performance. Previously, this tool could only read scripts from the database. These always had to be laboriously managed in the database management software. Accordingly, it should be possible to manage scripts directly in the program.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 4.0
  • Database: Oracle
  • GUI: Windows Forms
    • Menu navigation via Office Ribbon
    • Specification of categories and prefixes for classification
    • Scripts are always saved in a category with a specific prefix
    • Description of a script is optional and can be hidden if necessary
    • Colored highlighting of reserved SQL names, strings, numbers and comments
    • Program start optionally with parameters to be able to call up a specific script directly at startup

Developers 1
Client Training company
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Other software/ tools: Oracle SQL-Developer

A module from an existing project folder is to be revised. The aim is to increase usability.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 4.0
  • Database: Oracle
  • Extension of data fields to display new elements
  • Customization of the user interface for new elements and removal of older elements that are no longer used
  • Standardize SQL scripts

Developers 1
Client Training company
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Other software/ tools: Oracle SQL-Developer

A module from a project folder is to be revised. The aim is to eliminate possible data inconsistencies before the program is actually executed. It should also be possible to edit locked data. This is a tool for creating resubmissions (resubmission of addresses) for call center employees.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 4.0
  • Database: Oracle
  • Analysis of the individual phases within a process in the call center (from call start to completion)
  • Creation of possible error constellations
  • Preparation of a plausible check whether there are data inconsistencies with possible correction (according to specification)
  • Removal of the check as to whether a record should remain blocked for further processing (because it should always be possible to resubmit)

Developers 1
Client private
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (bis 06/2018)
  Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (bis 11/2022)
  Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Other software/ tools: ChatGPT

The Utils library is a compilation of various functions that have helped me time and again to structure my source code. This has resulted in methods that I could use universally without having to write them again and again. This has resulted in a small but quite extensive library.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages:
    • C#/ .NET 4.0 (until 06/2018)
    • C#/ .NET 4.5 (until 11/2022)
    • C#/ .NET 6.0
  • GUI: Windows Forms (for testing as a separate mini-project; creation of various test cases)
  • Creation of various modules:
    • "MethodExtensions:" Static class for the extension of various data types
      • String extension
      • Numieric extension
      • DateTime extension
      • TimeSpan extension
      • ListView extension
      • DataGridView extension
      • DataGridViewRowCollection extension
    • CSV-Reader: Simple implementation for reading CSV files
    • Json: Simplified implementation for saving and loading objects to and from Json files. (Uses Newtonsoft.Json)
    • ExtendedStopwatch: Provides an extended set of methods and properties to accurately measure the elapsed time and continue working with an existing start value
    • YouTube: Simplified use to perform certain checks and obtain data (playlists, videos, channels)
    • Twitch: Simplified use to generate Oauth and obtain information. It also includes a mini chatbot to read the chat and write into the chat with certain functions (automated)
    • GlobalHotkey: Simplified use for defining global hotkeys and the associated methods to be executed (action)

Developers 1
Client private
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Other software/ tools: ChatGPT

A tool that provides some help for various setups for a stream. Among other things, the program should be able to be started with parameters in order to address specific modules.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 6.0
  • GUI: Windows Forms
  • Creation of various modules:
    • Application configuration (core of the application to define important settings)
      • Clips: Definition of several clip folders, but only one can be active, as well as definition of priority reduction
      • File name cast: Certain restrictions apply to file names. Here you can define the setting for how certain characters (strings) should actually be displayed in the program
      • Youtube:
        • Latest videos: Definition of several channels for which the X latest thumbnails of videos with a display duration of Y are displayed
        • Playlists: Definition of several playlists, of which only one can be set as active at a time
      • Twitch:
        • Creation of an Oauth to be able to continue working with it in this tool
        • Quote bot implemented, which randomly retrieves a defined quote with a defined command
        • Several quotes can also be stored here
      • Storage of the settings in a JSON file and navigation to this file
      • Powershell files can be created at the push of a button to start specific modules of the application. Text files are created here to store the process ID of the defined module. Pairs are always created for the modules (Start, Exit)
    • Clip management:
      • Possibility to view clips in a structured way and edit them if necessary
      • Accesses the definition of the active clip folder from the configuration
    • Clip Viewer: Playing clips with the help of libVLC
      • Accesses the definition of the active clip folder from the configuration
      • Play generates a text file with information about the current clip
    • Countdown: A countdown is displayed here, which counts down to 0 every second. This starts immediately as soon as the window is loaded. A parameterized start value can define a variable length of the countdown
    • Youtube Playlist Player: An active playlist defined in the settings is played here. A text file with information about the current playlist title is generated when the playlist is played
    • Youtube Latest Videos: Shows the latest videos of the channels defined in the settings at an interval
    • Twitch (Bot Light):
      • can only be started if a Twitch-Oauth has been created in the settings
      • Shows the current status of the Twitch stream and can be updated at the touch of a button
      • With the window open (also in the background), quotes can be automatically output if the corresponding command has been sent in the Twitch chat
      • Additional submodule for creating open polls with the option for multiple choice
      • Display of the poll results in a separate window in which the results are visible live
      • Users can vote with !vote
    • Speedrun timer:
      • Tool for measuring times of a category with different sections
      • Definitions of individual positions can be provided with graphics
      • Graphics are saved in BASE64 format so that the graphics can still be displayed if the source does not (or no longer) exist
      • Times can be started, stopped, reset and skipped
      • Size definitions for the timer can be set in the editor, both for global and specifically for split segments

Developers 1
Client private
IDE: Dreamweaver
Other software/ tools: DBDesigner 4

This project is about generating a bookmark system directly on the start page of any browser. Folder structures and links, as well as navigation, are to be simplified. W3C is not yet taken into account here, but this will change as soon as all the functions work very well and there are no shortcomings in the display.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • GUI: Web via XHTML
  • Top navigation for switching the bookmark display/interface design/bookmark management
  • Navigation of folders and bookmarks with a roll-over effect
  • Personal design, but only possible with colors (no background images), color selection possible with JavaScript
  • Folder structure up to four levels possible
  • Functions for checking whether it is a bookmark or folder element
  • Check whether there are links in the folder to enable deletion or not
  • Help menu can only be extended by the administrator

Developers 2
Client non-profit institution
IDE: Dreamweaver
Other software/ tools: DBDesigner 4
  Paint Tool SAI

Complete overhaul of the existing web interface into a new "fresher" presentation and new functions. In the process, the purely static pages are to be converted into a dynamic interface in order to simplify the storage of input and data, because otherwise you always have to work directly in the script.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • GUI: Web via XHTML
    • Creation of a new container structure, away from the table structure
    • Creation of a guestbook with a simple spam protection measure (captcha)
    • Administrative management for employees
    • Notepad to leave data and information for other employees
    • Generation of customer and administration accounts
    • Integration of an appointment calendar with calendar display
  • Functions for blocking a user based on e-mail and/or IP address
  • Built-in function for sending and retrieving e-mails (but can be expanded)
  • Customer support

Developers 1
Client private
IDE: Dreamweaver
Other software/ tools: DBDesigner 4
  Paint Tool SAI

This project is about being able to get an overview of when which game was bought/sold and at what price.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • GUI: Web via XHTML
  • Statistics on when and for which platforms the games were purchased
  • Statistics on how much was purchased in total for a specific period with average expenditure (annual and monthly statistics)
  • Platform and game management for adding, editing and deleting game platforms and games
  • Search function to quickly find a title
  • File management to save or edit (optionally delete) image files

Developers 1
Client non-profit institution
IDE: Dreamweaver
Other software/ tools: keine

An Amazon link is to be generated for a web portal via an affiliate program that is to lead to the product for the article written in a blog. These are mainly software (games) or sometimes hardware.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: PHP
  • GUI: Web via XHTML
  • Product Advertising API built in and customized for the needs
  • Basic structure extended to be able to view one or more offers (currently max. three) from Amazon that match the topic of the blog post

Developers 1
Client private organization
IDE: Dreamweaver
Other software/ tools: keine

A forum is to be expanded to include the functions of adding, editing and deleting files. Rights must also be extended and added.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • GUI: Web via XHTML
  • Creation of functions for adding/ editing/ deleting certain files
  • Database extended by authorizations, who is allowed to add/change data
  • Exact details regarding the procedure should be saved in the log (who did what when and why)
  • Function added to the "Mainscript"

Developers 1
Client private
IDE: Dreamweaver
Other software/ tools: DBDesigner 4
  Paint Tool SAI

The aim is to create an environment in which you can easily add the products you want and then compare the prices with various stores from which you can freely choose. This should be displayed on a mobile device.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • GUI: Web via XHTML
    • JQuery used to be able to display suitable for mobile devices
    • The cheapest product from the wish list should always be displayed at the start
    • It should be possible to add a target store at any time
    • Backend regularly checks which product is the cheapest and sorts them accordingly
    • Overview of all desired products and stores (favorites lists)

Developers 2
Client Customer of Universe eMedia GmbH
IDE: PHP Storm
Other software/ tools: keine

Loading all seminars takes too much time. Performance should be improved by loading only a few seminars and more as required.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: PHP/ Drupal 7
  • Database: MySQL
  • GUI: Web via XHTML
    • Optimized overview of seminars
    • Up to 15 seminars should always be loaded with the help of AJAX
    • Missing indices of database tables added, where a considerable performance improvement could already be achieved here
    • Seminar display also standardized for packages

Developers 1
Client Customer of Universe eMedia GmbH
IDE: PHP Storm
Other software/ tools: keine

In future, customers will be able to create and manage events themselves. It should also appear in the ribbon.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: PHP/ Drupal 7
  • Database: MySQL
  • GUI: Web via XHTML
    • Generation of an overview of all events (both administration and for the customers of the contractual partner)
    • Events can be stored as active/inactive
    • Sorting: Current first, older events last

Developers 4
Client Customer of Universe eMedia GmbH
IDE: PHP Storm
Other software/ tools: keine

A new portal for managing contracts, contractual partners, costs, bookings etc. is to be set up.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: PHP/ Drupal 7
  • Database: MySQL
  • GUI: Web via XHTML
    • Development of module for personal settings
    • Automatic totalization when creating positions
    • Handling of session timeouts (min. 5, max 60, default 30 minutes)
    • Management of actions/contract types etc.
    • Optimization of contract overview, contacts etc.

Developers 2
Client Training company
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Other software/ tools: DrawIO
  Balsamic Moqup

An outdated system based on MS Access is used. This tool is no longer up to date and no longer corresponds to the current state of the art. It can only be used from a central location, which is why employees have to report their hours on paper to a central recording system. The hours are then entered into the system there. This is to be simplified by allowing employees to enter their hours directly into the system at their workplace.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 4.0
  • Database: Oracle
  • GUI: Web via ASP.NET Web Forms
  • Setting up the web interfaces separately for employees and supervisors
  • Definition of activities with parameters as to whether and how they are remunerated
  • Employees:
    • Entry of activities with specification of times
    • No time overlaps for entries
    • Entries can only be edited on a daily basis
  • Supervisor:
    • Checking the stored times with corresponding release for payroll accounting
    • Deposit of wages (several possible)
    • Storage of the employer (as temporary workers from external companies are also employed here)
    • Evaluation options (in each case specifying the payroll period of the last 12 months or self-definable period)
      • Overall evaluation for remuneration payments for the HR department
      • Individual evaluation with overview of all activities and attendance times
      • Activity evaluation for customers

Developers 3
Client Training company
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Other software/ tools: none

As there are currently no official (reliable) reference data sources available, there is no possibility of an automated (batch), reliable reference data check. Therefore, a possibility for regular manual checking and maintenance of reference data is to be created with the help of an online tool (web application for intranet) to be developed.


Tasks/ Activity:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 4.0
  • Database: Oracle
  • GUI: Web via ASP.NET Web Forms
  • Structure of the web interface according to concept
  • Definition of activities with parameters, whether and how these are remunerated
  • Creation of the database structure according to the concept
  • Reference entries are displayed alphabetically in ascending order for checking
  • Display of the relevant databases for the entry to be checked across several databases
  • Specification of personal salutations for selected entries
  • Programming of the defined logic for checking the reference data
    • Correct
    • Incorrect
    • Other category (with selection of which category this entry belongs to)
    • Correction
  • Approvals are made by successfully confirmed double check (check by 2nd instance)

Developers 1
Client Training company
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Other software/ tools: none

Mail merge letters are regularly created in the system with text fields (called "bookmarks" in Word). These must be filled automatically and dynamically.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 4.0
  • Database: none
  • GUI: Web via ASP.NET Web Forms
  • Creation of defined texts for specific purposes
  • Option to select whether it is a donation confirmation or a general letter
  • Allow saving of the created filled documents at any time
  • Check for duplicate fields and missing mandatory fields in the document with a note
  • Implementation of the defined logic for entering the correct content

Developers 1
Client private
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Other software/ tools: DrawIO
  Pencil Mockup-Tool

This project is a private project (initially for educational purposes). It has become very extensive over time, so that it can also be included in this project list.


Tasks/ Activity:

  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 4.0
  • Database: none
  • GUI: Web via ASP.NET Web Forms
  • Structure of master web interface
  • Structure of the interfaces for the various modules (nested master interfaces)
  • Each module can be granted or denied access via group rights
  • Enable registration so that multiple users can use the functions.
  • Currently developed modules:
    • Bookmarks with administration (bound to one user)
    • Music management (can be viewed by everyone with the corresponding group authorization, no user binding)
    • Gallery (can be viewed by all with group authorization, no user binding)
    • Notepad (bound to a user)
    • Password vault (bound to one user)
    • Games (smaller browser games) (can be viewed by all)
    • Appointment management with calendar display (bound to a user)
    • Sending of private messages (bound to a user)
    • Settings for page displays and private settings (bound to user)
    • Recipes for meals with option for possible weekly planning (visible to all)
    • Phone book with option whether the numbers should be visible to all or only to oneself (depending on the setting, prio bound to a user)
    • Administrative management (administrator group only)
      • User administration (block/release user/group assignment)
      • Group administration (creation/editing)
      • Link management (modules with automatic assignment of rights (denied is standard))
      • Rights management (which group can access which module)
      • Global settings
      • Send announcement mail
      • Logging
      • Archive (for checking deleted data (images/music) with absolute deletion and recovery options)

Developers 1
Client private
IDE: Visual Studio Code
Other software/ tools: Gimp

As part of a project, a simple website is to be created for refresher purposes. The whole thing is to be developed taking into account current technologies in the form of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. In order to further intensify the teaching process, the site should also be well designed for all common devices with the help of Bootstrap5. On this occasion I would like to build my first, very own, page, which represents me. I would like to talk about my career and hobbies.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • GUI: Web via HTML5 with CSS3 and JS
    • Preparation of logo and title
    • Enable navigation bar with options for dropdown
    • Define content that also offers a wide space for various elements (tables, lists, graphics, etc.)
  • Navigation structure using JavaScript. Here there is a class that assembles the elements.
  • Navigation is built with "BuildNav" with a parameter that contains the title of the current page to mark it as "Active" (Bootstrap Css)
  • "BuildNav" can also be initialized with a second parameter, so that the first parameter contains the dropdown text and the second parameter to the actual page
  • Home page contains a rather short introduction
  • Career contains a clear presentation with details of the time periods, a brief description of the activity and where I have carried it out. Similar to a curriculum vitae
  • Project list with all the projects I have worked on and/or contributed to. Staggered into software, web (with further subdivisions) and games projects
  • Skills tabulated with the specifications "advanced", "intermediate" and "basic" skills
  • Section for hobbies with topics that interest and define me

Developers 2
Client non-profit institution
IDE: Visual Studio Code
Other software/ tools: keine

An existing website is to be completely redesigned for a gardening club. The coding standard and design of the old website is still from the late 1990s/early 2000s and is to be updated to a modern presentation.


Tasks/ Activities:

  • GUI: Web via HTML5 with CSS3 and JS
    • Navigation bar with options for dropdown to categorize them
    • Preparation of logo and title
    • Mobile compatibility with the help of Bootstrap (t3sBootstrap for Typo3)
  • Define content that also offers a wide space for various elements (tables, lists, graphics, cards, etc.)
  • Complete development and implementation in Typo3 with customized design settings

Developers 1
Client private
IDE: Visual Studio Code
Other software/ tools: keine

As part of a measure, the entire construct is to be realized within Typo3 from the already created website (see 07/2023 - 09/2023: Project - Creation of a simple website).


Tasks/ Activities:

  • GUI: Web via HTML5 with CSS3 and JS using Typo3
  • Navigation definition is realized via Typo3 ► page ► tree structure
  • Existing content is entered using the Typo3 editorial editor
  • Display is implemented using the Typo3 extension T3S-Bootstrap
  • Definition of various elements with different tools provided by Typo3
  • Creation of front-end users and corresponding pages for specific user groups
  • Integration of subdomains and implementation of own PHP scripts using the Typo3 plugin "cf_phpinclude"
  • Creation of various statistical data
  • Extension of options for wish lists
  • Integration of several languages (multilingualism)

Developers 1
client private
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Other software/ tools: Paint.NET

As a first introduction to game programming, a simple game of skill is to be created. The basis for this is Moorhuhn.



  • Programming languages: C#/ .NET 3.5
  • Database: none
  • GUI: Windows Forms
  • The target moves randomly to a different point on the playing field, without animation
  • After a certain number of hits, the speed of the chicken should increase
  • Three fixed levels of difficulty
  • Score and hit rate are calculated at the end of the game
  • The chicken can be replaced by another image of the same size at any time
  • Own picture gets its own little "animation" when successfully hit
  • Obstacles can be added at any time, they appear randomly on the playing field
  • Obstacles cannot be destroyed and it is not possible to shoot through them
  • Background can be changed at any time

Developers planned with 1
Client private
IDE: Unity
Other software/ tools: Unity Hub / Unity Asset Store
  Microsoft Visual Studio 2022

I plan to develop my first game in 3D using the Unity engine. The game is inspired by "Tokyo Jungle" which came out for the PS3/ PSVita and was released on June 7, 2012. It is supposed to be a survival adventure game.

Tasks/ activities:

  • Programming languages: Unity + C#
  • Database: none yet
  • GUI: Unity 3D gamescreen
  • more to come...